In this post, we are going to see how Rabio can help in project management as being a part of a project.
What is Project Management?
In less than 3 minutes the video below is explaining what is Project Management
In Wikipedia’s article you can also find a definition of Project Management which is:
“Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve goals and meet success criteria at a specified time. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints. This information is usually described in project documentation, created at the beginning of the development process. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality, and budget. The secondary challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and apply them to meet pre-defined objectives.“
How Rabio can help Project Management?
As a lite and flexible web system, Rabio can be part of a project by covering a wide range of financial activities.
The strength of the database backend can be the main data system that will gather valuable information and provide high-quality reports.
Rabio can help in the project management as:
- Budgeting Control: the system was designed to manage and control budgets, their costs and do reporting based on a flexible cost breakdown structure.
- Cost Control Data System: Rabio can be the main data system for cost control data. A cost control department can rely on Rabio for data processing. Cost control management and project management can be sure that will have reliable and accurate data during the development of a project. See more here
- Equipment Cost Management: during the development of almost any project, equipment is involved and it is composed of a variety of vehicles, tools, and machinery. Rabio can control activities related to equipment and give detailed or summarized reports helping project management to control equipment-related costs and take critical decisions. See more here
- Inventory – Store Management: the structure of Rabio is based on categories that are able to measure quantities per center and per category. According to the setup of a project Rabio can be used to record:
- Delivered Quantities
- Consumption Quantities
- Remaining Quantities (Stock)
For Inventory – Store Management see more here
Rabio can be part of a project as an information data source where other tools can not cover. With its powerful data processing capabilities, user-friendly environment, and flexible user-role system Rabio can be part of a project adding value to management decision making.
Free Download
Rabio is open source and it is distributed for free under the GPLv3 license.